среда, 24 марта 2010 г.

Indians trust doctors more than chemists

New Delhi: "We can crib payment of doctors, but always returning to them for minor illnesses. Global survey conducted among 27,000 internet users in 54 countries found that U.S. company Nielsen increasingly rely on doctors, pharmacists that (Chemistry).

During interviews, usually they are dealing with 17 common minor ailments such as cough and cold, headaches, which can be treated without prescription medicines. Many said they prefer the U.S. to seek the advice of a doctor that rely on the opinion of the neighborhood pharmacist. But they will do it only when symptoms are severe.

"Consumer response to their review to consult with your doctor or pharmacist varied depending on the disease, but it created a: for every disease the U.S. will consult a doctor for their neighborhood pharmacist," said City Seturaman, Director (Client Solution), Nielsen.

Most U.S. doctors seek advice for hay fever, 33%, followed by sinus congestion, 23%, and influenza, 21%. They rarely consider visiting doctor menstrual pain, 54%, Hangover, 47%, and problems with sleep, 34%. But such problems, they say, ask or pharmacist.

The survey said the U.S. does not see as a beginning point of care pharmacists are perceived as a retail product, not the consultants for the treatment of lung nezduzhan.

One study says Americans, the U.S. is likely to see a doctor, but Europeans will visit the pharmacist. In case of headaches, such as

Americans almost always possible to make a quick trip to a pharmacy for aspirin or ibuprofen, and Europeans are likely to visit pharmacies to talk to the pharmacist for advice.

"This discovery shows that most consumers (especially European), suffering from minor ailments, ready to work due to illness without professional advice, or non-means or other traditional means of protection, giving the body or self -correction, "said Robert Buckeldee, model Service Director, Nielsen.

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